Anime Quote

What is it?

Anime Quotes Searching App

Anime Quotes

▶︎ Go to GitHub ▶︎ Go to Vercel This is a Next.js app that showcases my front-end development skills and passion for anime! Leveraging the anime quotes dataset from Kaggle, I crafted a captivating platform that enables users to explore and discover their favourite anime quotes with ease.

Technologies Used

What I did

Development Period :


Role : 

Front-End Developer

UI/UX Designer

Member :


  • Creative problem-solving skills: Utilized my knowledge of useEffect, I crafted an interactive and visually-appealing UI/UX that captures the essence of anime.
  • Demonstrated User-centric approach with a focus on delivering a seamless experience. I ensured that the app is responsive on all devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktops.
  • Despite the tight deadline, I used free icons and images to create an original and captivating site by arranging them that showcases my ability to think creatively and work efficiently.
  • Ensured an exceptional quality and functionality of the app by utilizing the playwright testing framework, I conducted rigorous testing to

Challenges and Lessons Learned

  • Adapting to New Technologies Despite having only half a day left to complete the project, I had to quickly learn how to efficiently utilize the dataset using Kaggle, including filtering the data and incorporating it into my design and functionality decisions. This experience reinforced the importance of being a quick learner and adaptable to new tools and technologies.
I am eager to continue expanding my skillset and staying up-to-date with the latest technologies to effectively tackle any project.
code for Anime Quote App

Future Plan

Screenshot of Anime-Quote App (Dark Appearence)
Screenshot of Anime-Quote App (Pink Appearence)
  • Enhance the code’s efficiency, flexibility, and performance by streamlining and simplifying it for easier modification.
  • Enhance the user experience by adding a feature that allows users to select their preferred anime from a list of options in the search bar.
  • Add a registering favourite quotes function that requires users to create an account or log in to access it. This feature will increase user engagement and offer a personalized touch to the site.
  • bring a fun and exciting element to the site by incorporating more animations. As a front-end developer, I am confident in my ability to enhance the site’s visual appeal while maintaining its functionality.
You can follow me on LinkedIn, Facebook, and Instagram. Here is my Email (